I was lucky that for the most part my Dad instilled "The Rules” for being old fashioned in me at a young age but not many women learn these basic Rules of Self Respect. Like any father he wanted his daughter to know how to set boundaries and have the utmost respect shown by a suitor and be treated and courted properly. He never wanted me to call men or drive to see them or to put in the effort. If a Guy likes you they will do all the work. Let them! I knew this for the most part but who listens to their parents ALL the time? Dating can be a very confusing venture. I still would experiment trying different approaches going against my Dads advice and going with my emotions verses using my head... but those ways would fail.
Then after a tough break up my roommate had this book on our dining room table after her Mother purchased the book for her. It was the best selling book in 1996 “The Rules for Dating” which just was an aha moment for me which it seem to bring full circle to my Dads advice,... do not chase boys, if they are interested they will chase you, don't call men or initiate contact ever, or don't text much or talk on the phone more then 10 mins, do not be an open book, be demure, coy, hard to get but easy to be with, aloof, confident, don't pursue them at all, have a life/be busy, wait to have sex etc etc. What a lightbulb moment! I knew the times in my life that the relationships worked when I was "Rulesy" or "Old fashioned" and now I could distinguish when they did not work when I showed to much interest or to eager etc. That was it. I was convinced and hooked on now the secret to capturing the heart of Mr. Right but also the secret to the utmost happiness even as a single person but not having any expectations anymore. I knew that now it was not up to me to make things happen but totally up to the guy. I could let go of all my expectations and be the "Old fashioned" girl my father taught me to be and just be very independent, busy and happy with myself first then the men will come! Although there were ways to be sure I was around men to be exposed to my future husband as well! In fact that week I happen to meet my first husband and had two wonderful children, now I had hope instead of hopelessness. It’s not always that easy though when you think you found THE ONE to see him LESS not more and or talk LESS not more to keep his interest but "The Rules" was all I needed to figure out that I now have a perfect guide to not sway from what my father tried to tell me as a young girl! I just needed to hear it from someone else and timing was everything as it is with everyone. Now I had the key to saving myself from heartache ever again! If it's meant to be the man will do all the chasing but we also learn we cannot MAKE a guy chase us! He either likes us and we are his type or he is not. So there is a sense of learning to let go of the outcome and focus on yourself and your own self worth to be sure we don't depend on a man for our sole happiness but we also don't need to be alone for long periods of time either. Still being married to Mr. Right is still better then being single even if you seem happy. My goal is to make you happier! The key with "The Rules" is to NOT be needy, desperate, eager which can make us pathetic. So don't be a fool and don't chase or contact a guy ever! Once we learn to be hard to get but easy to be with and he contacts us always then we are in a better position to not get hurt or scorned. We can step back verses being too emotionally attached. Thus, keeping a man more interested when we act less interested! It may be up to us to slow things down and take our time to decide if he is the one not for him to decide if we are the one! The latter is not a good position to be in! So it’s important to not only read "All the Rules for Dating" but "Not Your Mothers Rules" which is the latest book along with "The Rules for Online Dating" and once married, "The Rules for Marriage" as well but also to have the BEST and quickest results and get a personal set of Rules for your specific personality and situation, get support and coaching to become the utmost lady you would only dream of being and in turn be the happiest you have ever been. The Rules teach you boundaries and show you a defined way of what you should do and to ensure you find the RIGHT guy who is totally INTO YOU QUICKLY!
After finding the book I was married within two years to my first husband although if only I knew then what I know now. I did happily divorce 7 years later but I was blessed with two wonderful children. The times I was accidentally "Old fashioned or Rulesy" because of my fathers advice prior the to my first marriage, I was proposed to 3 times. Two who proposed I turned down and one I broke off not being quite the right guys. Then after my first marriage I was once again engaged but again broke it off. Then finally in 2014 I met my current husband who is truly my soul mate and doing "The Rules" or my Dads advice things went smoother then ever! Things could not be more perfect. He sent me poems everyday! I received flowers on every date. Every date was very special. I KNEW by the first email going forward may be the ONE but it's important to keep your composer and not be so sure ever until you get a ring and your sure he's right for you. I attest this success several factors. I committed to doing "The Rules" 100 % and I became certified by Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider, the famous authors of all of the Rules books: The Rules for Dating, All the Rules, The Rules for Marriage, The Rules for Online Dating and Not Your Mother's Rules in approximately 2012. I worked closely with them for many, many years and still do! I consider myself one of their top coaches. Practicing "The Rules" since 1995 helped immensely but if you can commit 100 % and get a good coach like myself you will accelerate your results and find Mr. Right quicker!!!
When a guy knows he has found the one, they just know... but the trick is to KEEP them crazy for you so they never want to leave you for another woman! My husband and I think alike and we appreciate each other so much but I had to work at being the best girl possible too! We are soulmates and I’m 54!!! So this is why you NEVER give up! I have a wealth of wisdom at my age with blended family situations and I have a background in many areas of communication or abuse or addiction situations etc etc. I also am a christian and love to help my christian clients as well. I can help you find Mr. Right quickly and be married within hopefully a year! That is the goal! If your willing to get results you just have to do the work it takes in many ways from getting out of your comfort zone a bit, to fashion/makeovers to working on "The Rules" and making sure you don't have any baggage in your past to inhibit your chances of finding and keeping Mr. Right. If your going through relationship issues of any sort I can help you! I've helped women ALL over the world sort out difficult situations and or find successful marriages. Call me or email me anytime of day/night! Bless you and hope to help you jump start a new life! Hugs, Bree